About me
Marlee Goodman (she/her) - Marlee Goodman began her career by building a strong foundation in direct service, with experience in grief, affinity spaces and identity, community building, and advocacy. Currently serving as a Training + Trauma Specialist, and LGBTQ+ Liaison at ICOY, she leads CARES, ICOY’s for-hire Trauma-Informed Services, and facilitates training and capacity-building to support service providers with gaining tools, skills, and knowledge about trauma-informed care. As an LGBTQ+ Liaison she ensures that ICOY is meeting the needs of organizations serving queer children, youth, families, and service providers across the state. Marlee use trauma-informed principles, restorative and reparative models, and intersectionality to guide every aspect of her work. Her approach to content and facilitation is rooted in her commitment to supporting organizations in their journey to not only dismantle oppressive systems, but to center communities in making healing accessible and sustainable.